CSS3 media query test: resolution query with dppx. Using style element, @media css rule.

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

PASS matchMedia('(resolution: 0dpi)').matches is false
PASS matchMedia('(min-resolution: 0dpi)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(max-resolution: 0dpi)').matches is false
PASS matchMedia('(resolution: 1.5dppx)').matches is true
PASS resolutionFromStyle() is 1.5
PASS matchMedia('(resolution: 2dppx)').matches is true
PASS resolutionFromStyle() is 2
PASS matchMedia('(resolution: 1dppx)').matches is true
PASS resolutionFromStyle() is 1
PASS matchMedia('(resolution: 2.25dppx)').matches is true
PASS resolutionFromStyle() is 2.25
PASS matchMedia('(resolution)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(resolution: 216dpi)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(min-resolution: 216dpi)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(max-resolution: 216dpi)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(resolution: 85dpcm)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(min-resolution: 85dpcm)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(max-resolution: 85dpcm)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(min-resolution: 300dpi)').matches is true
PASS matchMedia('(min-resolution: 118dpcm)').matches is true
PASS resolutionFromStyle() is 3
PASS resolutionFromStyle() is 3.125
PASS successfullyParsed is true